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This year’s studio has been focused around Westminster Cathedral and the public space surrounding it. Currently a piazza exists in front of the main entrance to the cathedral. This piazza, created in the late 70’s allows for a direct relationship between the Cathedral and the busy arterial route of Victoria Street. This was a bold intervention revealing the impressive front façade, but new developments and the scale of Victoria Street appear to dominate the space, competing in scale with the cathedral. This proposal aims to close off this link, reinstating oblique lines sight on approach to the cathedral. The public space is shifted to the side of the cathedral revealing the long façade, aiming to form a relationship with the residential mansion houses that surround the site. In a stroke of genius the square has been named Westminster Square.  PLEASE COMMENT!

Existing Piazza

Front facade, currently facing Victoria Street.

Side Facade details.

site plan for new square.

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