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I was lucky enough to be involved with this two week intensive workshop Venice, hosted at the IUAV. The workshop was a bringing together of architecture students from Manchester, Venice, Barcelona and archaeology students from Catania. There were four archaeological sites situated in the Veneto region, each requiring a form of protective cover or structure. Students were put into mixed groups containing 2-3 architecture students and 1-2 archeology students. The output from each group was then to design a cover for the chosen site. I worked with a student from Barcelona and collaborated with three students of archaeology to design a scheme for the ruins at Altino. There were four schemes for each site, 16 in total, which on the last day were judged by a jury made up of architects, archeologists and officials from the sites in question. Our scheme ‘DIS-CONNECTION’ came in at 1st place out of the schemes for Atino. The workshop was a great opportunity to work with people from different schools/disciplines/countries and I had a fantastic time. All of the projects have embarked on a traveling exhibition around the contributing schools and I think it will arrive in Manchester sometime next year…I hope my model hasn’t fallen to bits by then.

Here are the presentation boards for our proposal. The scheme was about opening up the site to visitors in a way that would communicate the ruins in context. This was done by use of a path that moved from the museum to the ruins gradually lowering and then terminating at a point as to reveal/imply the original city walls of Altino. 

Exhibition organising students that all speak different languages to an Italian schedule…logistical nightmare.  

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